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University - 轉學考 100學年度第2學期學士班轉學生招生簡章 Adobe PDF Click Here to the inked website
University - 轉學考 Click Here to the inked website
University - 四技二專甄選暨技優甄選  
University - 四技二專甄選暨技優甄選 四技二專推甄備審資料參考格式 Adobe PDF  
University - 個人申請 繁星推薦 Adobe PDF
個人申請 Adobe PDF
University - 個人申請 第二階段口試及備審資料攻略 Adobe PDF
大學備審資料範例 Adobe PDF
華梵大學推薦函 Adobe PDF
Click Here to the inked website
University - 四技二專甄選暨技優甄選 Click Here to the inked website
University - 四技二專甄選暨技優甄選 Click Here to the inked website
University - 考試分發 Click Here to the inked website
University - 個人申請 Click Here to the inked website
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